Lineone Multipurpose HTML + Laravel Admin Template
Lineone is a versatile Admin and Webapp UI Kit built on the Utility-first CSS framework TailwindCSS v3. Additionally, it contains a vast array of reusable elements, components, layouts, forms, dashboards, and webapps that you may utilize in your project.
Any modern web application, including a SaaS-based interface, custom admin panels, dashboards, CRM, CMS, LMS, e-commerce panel, and others, may be built using the robust, ultra-responsive, modern, and adaptable Lineone UI Kit.
Featured Dashboards:
- CRM Analytics
- Orders
- Cryptocurrency
- Banking
- Personal
- Personal
- CMS Analytics
- Influencer
- Travel
- Teacher
- Education
- Authors
- Doctor
- Employees
- Workspaces
- Meetings
- Project Boards
Prebuilt Apps:
- Chat Application
- Kanban Board
- Todo List
- Filemanager
- Point of Sales
- NFT Marketplace
- Travel App
General Features:
- Build with TailwindCSS v3
- 9 Prebuilt Apps
- 18 Dashboards
- 40+ Pages
- 1000+ Components & Elements
- Dark Mode
- Monochrome Mode
- Ultra Responsive
- Lightweigt
- Modular architecture
- Easy Customization
- Well Documented
- From Layouts
HTML Documentation: Online Documentation
Laravel Documentation: Online Documentation
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